I was in a school bus dreading a Nuclear War with Russia when Soviet missiles were sent to Cuba. I could not understand why Russia wanted to blow up the world as no one would win, or even be alive. Now Putin is invading Ukraine to stifle Democracy and Freedom for the people. Why is he so afraid of Democracy and giving Freedom to his people? He could turn everything around now, by pulling out of Ukraine, create a Democracy for the people, and sell the energy to Europe, and beyond and become an even greater country and head of Russia. He would go down in Russian History as the Great Liberator for the Russian people! What a way to be glorified and remembered!

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Hello, Lynn. Thanks for your commentary, it’s my first one at SS.

Ok. Russia and Putin do not want to blow the world, they just want the world consider them to be able to do that. The worst thing they can really (accidentally) do the fatal thing. Thus people (or countries) like that benefit much from the fear they make. This is the mentality of the criminals and any security, defence or law enforcement agents, military and police (and Putin is KGB officer). All of them are ready to use physical force to make you do what they need because they basically don’t know other methods. If you would try to put a former criminal on the right track after 10 years in jail (let’s say you have a relative and want to help him) you would find yourself in a month or a year burnt out, devastated, deceived, and usually robbed in addition. One my experience ended like this. And the guy doesn’t change. This is the problem the West faces every time while dealing with Putin and Russia. And you say “democracy”…

Russia doesn’t want to stifle democracy in Ukraine because it is cleptocracy there and Russians know that very well. Russia cannot let Ukraine go free just like a bad husband-criminal cannot let his beautiful, but muddle-headed wife go to another man simply because of hurt self-esteem and 100% assurance that “she is mine”. Mr. Putin is absolutely sincere when he states that Ukrainians and Russians are “one people”. Similarly, many Russians (not just Putin) feel the same way about Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, and other former Soviet republics. They would gladly protect the Russian-speaking population in the U.S. or in Canada, for example, but they are afraid. This is called "imperial way of thinking" and this is another facet of the mentality of Putin and Russian nation.

Now join two facets (readiness to use physical power and Imperial way of thinking) together and you will get understanding of something like 75% of the mysterious “Russian soul”.


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